Thank You, Thank You, Thank you Ashley at Cute as a Fox Creations!!! She told me how to fix my button problem! Please go by and say hi and thank you to her when you have a minute! Now we can get on with the party!!
As I said in my last post, I have fretted over this problem for hours and I mean that literally….and it turned out to be such a small thing…really a small thing, in fact, you couldn’t even see it…it was a space! Yup, one little old space that I couldn’t even see causing me all that trouble! It’s interesting that I had that “little” problem on my blog this morning, ‘cause it applies to an area of my spiritual life today…
…This is what I learned. I can spend a lot of time trying to figure out a problem on my own and end up in total frustration. Then when I finally ask for help I find out that what I thought was a HUGE problem, turns that in the scheme of things to be a very, very small issue…like a space where it doesn’t belong in an html code….How much time are we spending on things that seem big, but in reality are very,very small?
I hope that helps someone else today!
Thanks again Ashley!
Let the Party Begin!!

What a great analogy Sharon! Definitely something to keep in mind when I start getting agitated :)
Put up the new one on my site. Anxious to see what all you have planned!