Sunday, February 27, 2011

My DIY Solar Street Lamp

Today is the first day of my “Blogiversary Week”!!!! Yes, I’m going to streeettcch it out all week! :-) Kind of like when your birthday falls on a Wednesday, but you won’t actually be celebrating til Saturday and then  friends take you to lunch on another day…so you celebrate all week! :-) I LOVE birthdays like that! So I want to celebrate my blog birthday the same way. I have two giveaways that will start Tuesday and Wednesday and then go all week. I will be putting up some printables too. I also have a couple of special projects that I want to share this week.
Have you ever had a project in your mind, but have to wait to put it together? Well, I’ve been waiting since late last summer to make a solar “street lamp” for my yard. It was worth the wait though! It turned out as good as I had envisioned it…even a little better! Last summer I made this small solar light for a table in my garden
Keen Inspirations solar light and knew I wanted to make more. I don’t like the plain straight “stick” solar lights…to me they don’t blend in with anything. I have wanted to make some  of these with different size lights, bases and globes. Last year I got to thinking that if I could put these in a globe for a table, why couldn’t I do something like this:
street lamp
street lamp2 using solar lights instead of electric??? Well, I’ve had all winter to think about it and to collect  fixtures and globes. When it warmed up last week, I got started!
I found these two lovely brass light fixtures at the thrift store…different times, different stores.
Keen Inspirations LightsThe one on the left I bought to be the top of the street lamp. the one on the right I needed for parts and  globes. There were three globes  when I bought it…but  I broke two of them!!! I did find some more though….whew!  I started out by stripping them of all electrical stuff, right down to the metal. I pulled all the wires out and ended up with this:
Then I loosened the screws and  turned the arms of the light fixture up, so the globes would be sitting on top. From this:
DownDown To This:
UpKeen Inspirations solar lightThe “cups” that hold the globes in on the chandelier were smaller than the  bases of the glass globes, but the “cups” that were on the ceiling light came off, so I took the small ones off and and put the big ones on..but forgot to take the  pic of the switch.
I lightly sanded and rubbed away the shine and pit marks. Then everything got a coat of Krylon primer followed by Krylon Satin Black.
Keen Inspirations solar light 
Large cups now on the fixture.
Keen Inspirations Solar LIght (2)
I bought several of these solar lights at Walmart last summer. I took the stake off of the light. 
Keen Inspirations Solar LIght (7)
and used Gorilla Glue to hold them into the light fixture. The plastic fit right down over the nut in the light fixture.
Keen Inspirations Solar LIght (5)Keen Inspirations Solar LIght (4)
Keen Inspirations Solar LIght (3)
Meanwhile I had hubby working on the pole for me. He cut the pvc to the right size.  I used one piece of narrower pipe (2.5 inches) and one piece of 4” pipe for the base.  Keen Inspirations (3)
I started out with a 4 foot piece of 3” and and a 30” piece of 4” of pipe and bought an adapter to put to them together. When we held the light fixture over the pipe, the pipe seemed a little wide for it, kind of swallowed it up, so I used a 2.5” piece  instead. Hubby wrapped Gorilla tape to make it fit snugly. Once he had them glued together with regular pvc glue, he cut the tape down even with the top of the adapter. <SAMSUNG DIGITAL CAMERA>Hubby was really gettin’ into my project and even offered to make me a base out of a scrap of avantec plywood.Keen Inspirations Solar LIght (15) He also glued a piece of pvc pipe up into the fixture so that it would slide in and out of the pole for easy change of the solar lights when necessary.
Keen Inspirations Solar LIght (6)
When all the pipes were put together to make the pole, I painted them with a coat of Valspar Plastic Primer and then Krylon Satin Black. I gave the wooden base a coat of Kilz 2 primer and then sprayed it black. When it was all dry, hubby put the lights in.
Keen Inspirations Solar LIght (8)
Keen Inspirations Solar LIght (9)
And here it is finished!
Keen Inspirations Solar LIght (10)I’m thrilled with the way it turned out! Even better than I had pictured it in my head!
Here it is  at night
Keen Inspirations Solar LIght (12)
Up close you can see the design made by the solar light inside the globe!
Keen Inspirations Solar LIght (11)  
I have it at the beginning of the path where we park and then walk in. It’s nice to have this on when I pull up and not have to worry about turning something on and then off again. We live in the woods…no street lights or neighbors lights to help light our path!
I am so excited about how this turned out that I can’t wait to make  more…with different types of fixtures on top! Like these…
… and more! I plan to use these to light my yard and my garden. I’ll have another one ready later in the week!
Remember that Tuesday is the start of the Starbucks giveaway!See you tomorrow with some printables!
I am participating in Metamorphosis Monday at Between Naps on the Porch and these other parties and many of the parties listed in my sidebar! Come check out some of the awesome projects! I’ve also entered this in the DIY Club monthly contest!

Boogieboard Cottage>HOG>Craft Link parties
all crafts Handmade Projects ~ Add Yours!>

Fantabulous Friday!
>Party ButtonPhotobucket>

Lovely Crafty Home
A Marvelous MessUndertheTableandDreaming


  1. Wow. Great job. I'd never think of something like this.

  2. OMG!! That is amazing. You are so talented. What a cute idea. I'm your newest follower. I would love it if you linked your project up to my link party.
    More The Merrier Monday.

  3. Loving this idea!! I have been wanting a lamp post and I think you have just helped me figure out how to get one!!! Great job!!

    Would you mind me featuring your post on my Finding Beauty segment this next Saturday?

    bee blessed

  4. What a good idea! Much better than generic solar lights.

  5. I love this idea. Seriously this is one of the most creative ideas that i have seen in a long while. Love it!
    p.s. thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving a sweet comment. happy happy blogiversary!!!

  6. Fabulous!!! And such a super idea!! That wouldn't work for me though! We get such high winds here..I would need to make a concrete foundation and make it secure that way. So I may gives this a try. We too live out in the country and no street lights anywhere!!!!! So dark at night but ya gotta love the night skies!!! Wow the stars are magnificent!!

  7. Absolutely amazing! I will be employeeing this somehow somewhere this spring. We love solar lights but hate the look of them.
    Kristy @ 4 the love of WOOD (New Follower)

  8. This looks great! I can't believe you figured out how to piece it all together...genius!

  9. This is wonderful! I've made solar lights out of apothecary jars but this is a whole new level of style and cleverness. Lovely!

  10. Oh MY!!! This is amazing! I never would have thought of something like this! YOu are a genius! I am featuring this at Grab my "featured' button.

  11. Wow this is so neat!! I never would have thought to DIY something like this. I hope you'll share at my weekend linky party :)

  12. That is incredible!!! What an awesome idea. I might just have to make one of those. I would love it if you would link this project up to my Marvelous Mess party. Each party I pick one entry to feature on my sidebar for a week!! Here is the link:

  13. You are totally amazing!! I LOVE it and you have inspired me to try this, I have always wanted light post but just didn't want to pay the price, this is Plum Perfect! :)
    You have me as a new follower! Have a great night!

  14. Awesome idea! Love this project, saves energy and money. Well done. Thanks for sharing!

  15. Absolutely wonderful idea - love it! And the execution is lovely! Great job!

  16. MAJORLY cool! I'll bet you get featured left and right for this one girlie!

  17. Wow! That is a fantastic project!

  18. What a great light! Thanks so much for the pictures and all the details and step by step.

  19. Wow, that is awesome! Can I ask how much it cost you?

  20. Love this SO much! Totally inspired!

  21. This is unbelievable...spectacular. Wish I had the guts to try and make it, but I am afraid it is out of my league. Great job!

  22. What a great idea! I'll be making something for sure. Thanks for the inspiration!

  23. Holy cow! It never would have occurred to me to attempt something like this. Thanks for the detailed instructions.

  24. That is awesome! What a cool project. Yuo are going to enter that at The DIY Club, aren't you!?

  25. Wow, that is super impressive! Love how it turned out.

  26. This is amazing! The fact that you thought of that is just awesome! I'm your newest follower!
    I just started a "thrifty thursdays" party on my blog and would love for you to join!

  27. That is amazing! And it gives me an idea for my home (thank you!). We have an old street lamp at the end of our driveway that doesn't work and I haven't done anything about it since we moved in, but maybe I should try turning it into a solar lamp! :-)

  28. I love crafty blogs! I can't get enough! This idea is wonderful! I’m a new follower Happy Friday!! I would love for you to stop and take a look at my blog as well! Thanks!

  29. What an amazingly clever idea! And it turned out so cute! I never would have guessed that it would look so good by just looking at the materials you gathered to make it. You are VERY creative!
    Thank you very much for linking this project up to The After Party @ 3 Meadow Lake Cottage!
    I'm looking forward to following you and seeing what new great inventions you come up with :)
    Happy Blogiversary!

  30. Hi, I just wanted to tell you that I featured your Solar Street Light on my "Top Ten Fav Picks" at Boogieboard Cottage. Thank you so much for sharing this. Have a great weekend! Mary :O)

  31. You have been featured at Hop over and check it out. I would love it if your grabbed my button while you were there.

  32. sharon! this is brilliant! :)
    I'm surprised the solar "charges" through the globes.
    I'm featuring this post this week (highlights)

  33. OK, WOW! How much of a Genius are you?? Very cool! THank you for sharing your tutorial!
    Thanks for linking up to Making It With Allie last week! I can't wait to see what you have for this week!

  34. I offically LOVE you and this idea. I am the Prom sponsor and I have been pullin my hair out looking for a lamp idea. This is perfect!!

  35. Now this is it!!! Found your link over at features the neatest things...and yours sure does fit the bill!

  36. WOW! That is SUCH an awesome idea! I'm in love!

  37. that is very creative thinking,, love the way it turned out.

  38. What a fantastic idea...thanks for the step by step directions on it also.

  39. Holy cow, Sharon! What an amazing DIY project! So clever and so pretty! Great tutorial! :)


  40. Way to think outside the box! I am now going to looking at old light fixtures a little different, I have the perfect place for one of these in my garden!

  41. that is really great! well done!

  42. That's awesome! I hate solar lights sooo much - I never thought they could look so nice! :D

  43. Love it! We need a light at the end of the driveway and this might just be the ticket!

  44. This is entirely too creative! I am SO EXCITED to learn from you and give it a go myself~*THANK YOU!* So amazing!

  45. Brilliant! I have two old gas lanterns in my yard that are disconnected. They will definitely be getting a remodel once I find the perfect shades. Thanks for the inspiration!

  46. You are so creative! I love this project! I'm featuring it on my blog Tutorials and Patterns. Come grab a "featured" button if you like.

  47. This is a great idea! I've always wanted to put up a solar lamp post in my yard (or maybe more). However, can I adapt the style to any bulb cover shape, or do globes work best? I love the old timey, lantern style, and I would love to set up a couple of those posts.

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