First, I received a package in the mail that I figured had to be one my daughter had shipped to my house so that her husband didn’t see it, but it was addressed to me, not her as they usually come. So, I decided to check it out, figuring I could let her know what had arrived and….SURPRISE! It was for me!! A special gift from Roeshel over at The DIY Showoff!
Thank you Roeshel! I have already been enjoying my coffee and a little tea in my mug! I usually use the same mug for my coffee and tea, and I have a new “special” one. It always tastes better out of a favorite!
Secondly, my family and I have been “fostering” two puppies for two families that will be getting the puppies for Christmas. I delivered them yesterday and was presented with this beautiful basket filled with goodies as a thank-you! It even had goodies for our puppies. It was a very touching surprise! YUM!
We may also be having a white Christmas here in North Georgia!! I just hope it doesn’t prevent my married kids from getting here….
Well, almost all the cooking is done, but none of the wrapping has been started, so I had better get started!
Enjoy your Christmas with your family and loved ones.
Merry Christmas to All and to All a Good Night!

Merry Christmas, my friend.....